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Resources & Utilities

No. Space Equipment
  The Appearance of Creative Design School  
A416 Computer Room for Pre-Printing Production  60 sets of Mac Pro special computer
A113 Classroom for Design Major  60 desks and 60 chairs for design-use
A114 Classroom for Design Major  60 desks and 70 chairs for design-use
A202 Classroom for Design Major  60 desks and 70 chairs for design-use
A301 Recording Engineering Lab  Devices for recording engineering work
A302 Classroom for Design Major  30 desks and 30 chairs for design-use
A303 Advanced Multimedia Animation Lab  61 sets of IMac20, MAYA, 3D MAX, QUEST 3D, 30 sets of Premiere Pro  (English Version),  and 30 sets of Director MX (Education Version)
A305 Multimedia and Game Design Lab (Graduates Only)  10 mainframe computers (DVR), animation stand, interactive computer  animation teaching  platform, musical materials, hardware for audio  production, and a interactive electronic touch  board
A306 Classroom for Design Major  70 desks and 70 chairs for design-use
A307 Classroom for Design Sketch and Painting  40 design desks, 60 sketch chairs,70 drawing board, 70 easels, plaster  models, Waxes,  Pyramids, and corner posts
A308 Research Room for Creative Design School  Meeting desks, chairs, and whiteboards
A309 Digital Audio Lab  61 sets of SONY ACID Software, 61 sets of SONY Sound Forge, 1 set of  SONY Vegas, 5 sets  of sound material library, 1 set of Corel Painter X, 61  sets of Dreamweaver, 61 sets of Flash,  61 sets of Illustrator , 61 sets of  InDesign, 61 sets of Photoshop, and 20 sets of Alias
A310 Digital Audio Editing Lab  Devices for digital video clips
A311 Computer Graphics and Aided Design Lab  61 sets of Photoshop (Education Version), 61 sets of Illustrator, 60 sets of  Finale2007, 60 sets  of Reason3.0
A417 Classroom for Design Major  30 desks and 30 chairs for design-use
A418 Classroom for Design Major  30 desks and 30 chairs for design-use
A419 Classroom for Photography  Lamp holders, professional shed light, light extending racks, tripartite  strange hands, light  meter, editing mainframes, a static photography, background paper frames, electric  background paper frames, and the  smoke-cloud creating platforms
A421 Classroom for Graduation Project and Production  8 tempered glass design tables, 36 design chairs, 4 Mac Pro computers,  and 4 commodity  shelves
A422 Exhibition Room for Creative Design School  30 projection lamps
A423 Cultural Creation Center/ Elite Workshop  
  Creative Design Studio  Devices for design workshop